Integrating timeless wisdom with real-world practices
for deep personal transformation

Spiritual Mentorship

The key distinction between Counselling and Spiritual Mentorship is the recognition of an infinite wisdom that guides our lives, one to which we are inherently connected.

While counselling, grounded in scientific perspectives, often emphasizes brain functions, such as how we store trauma, process emotions, and the role of chemicals and hormones, spiritual mentorship transcends this view. It acknowledges our direct connection to a higher source, whether it's light, spirit, or divine energy, recognizing it as an integral part of our making which is the infinite, not the particle.
This is a non-religious perspective and unless someone wants to include that in the frame of this work I strictly provide a context that is the essence of all faiths in their pure form.

Establishing the connection between the self and the infinite and understanding the principles of spiritual laws, empowers us to move beyond merely reacting to life’s circumstances, enabling us to actively shape our reality through a co-creative process.

Through this, we can experience profound transformation and truly become the cause, not the effect (victims), of our lives.

What to Expect in a Session:

  • Understanding spiritual laws helps us see that our external reality reflects our internal state.
    and aligning our inner beliefs with these laws, to see tangible shifts.

  • Tailored guided meditation to enhance reflective processes and embodied wisdom.
    If applicable Gestalt and IFS will be combined here to enhance the reflective process.

  • Actionable steps and practices to implement between sessions for continued growth.

10 weeks
Mentorship program

This 10-week spiritual mentorship program is a deep dive into the spiritual dimension of your reality.

This is an invitation to profound personal growth.

During the ten weeks together I’ll be tuning in with you to design a path forward that will foster resilience confidence and a deeper connection to your life meaning and purpose.

Each week builds upon the last in practical step-by-step implementations that will start to change and transform your experience creating lasting positive changes.

Once you grasp the laws of the spiritual world and apply this knowledge, you become a powerful creator. Everything shifts to a higher octave, and healing naturally occurs as a byproduct.

What to Expect in a 10-Week Mentorship Program:

- Weekly one-on-one 90-minute sessions focused on various areas for transformation.

- Ongoing support and accountability to keep you on track with your goals between sessions.

- Customized practices and exercises tailored to your circumstances.

- Recorded Guidance Meditations integrating insights into your daily life.

- Access to resources and tools that support your continued growth.