Creating Sacredness Inside and Out

With a diverse journey spanning counseling, psychotherapy, and holistic health, I am currently delving into the studies of mysticism and Kabbalah. Since 2010, I have seamlessly integrated my experience as a Health Advocate and Wellness Retreat Coordinator with teaching the physical and philosophical aspects of Yoga, along with experiential guided meditation.

I incorporate artistic expressions such as music, including seven years of performing in community settings in Australia and abroad through song and prayer circles, as well as painting and photography, to create beauty and sacredness in people’s environments.

My therapeutic approach is rich and varied, reflecting a deep curiosity about the unique psychological makeup of individuals. I am especially drawn to working with spiritually oriented individuals who recognize their inherent goodness and are committed to making a positive impact on the world. My passion lies in helping those who aspire to optimize their lives and fulfill their highest potential.

Counsellor Therapist
& Teacher

2023 - Kabbalistic studies

- 2020: Counselor Associate Degree

- 2017: Health Consultant and International Team Leader

-2018: Photographer & Art workshop facilitator

- 2010: Musician and Wellness Retreat Coordinator.

-2009: Hakomi Psychotherapist

- 2008: Watsu Practitioner

- 2001: Shiatsu and Chinese Medicine Practitioner

- 2000: Yoga Practice & Philosophy Teacher

1998 - Osho Multiversity - Mediation instructor and Musician.

- 1996: Master Reiki and Meditation Facilitator

My Story

  • I come from a heritage woven with rich and diverse threads. My father, a gifted musician from Morocco, carried the soulful melodies of Arab and Mediterranean cultures, while my mother, born in India, broke free from the chains of traditional limitations on women. She pursued her education in Bombay and later moved to Israel, where she became the main breadwinner for our family. This fusion of cultures—within my family and my homeland—was both a harsh and beautiful contrast, a microcosm of global diversity entwined with modern ambition, marked by technological advancement, strong economies, and progressive ideals. It shaped not only my worldview but the very essence of my life and work.

    The “salads” on my dinner plate were as unpredictable as the cultural landscape I was born into—each bite a reflection of the delicious, yet diverse, experiences that I couldn’t fully grasp at the time. Growing up, I was steeped in Western culture, tuning into the poetry of Joni Mitchell, and the rhythms of Led Zeppelin, Yet, at the same time, I was absorbed in Bollywood beats at grandma’s house, the mournful notes of my father’s oud & violine, and the intoxicating spices that filled our kitchen.

    The soundtrack of my life moved seamlessly between the languages of Hindi and Arabic at my grandparent's home, Hebrew in the streets, and English at school or on the TV each adding layers of depth to my identity and perspective, shaping me in ways I never expected.

    But my journey was not without hardship. Growing up in a land scarred by conflict and a history of persecution, I bore the weight of collective trauma, intertwined with ancestral wounds rooted in centuries of suppression and rigid cultural expectations. On a personal level, I grappled with the pain of an abusive father, the cold reality of poverty, and the heavy burden of shame. Yet, through the cracks of these painful experiences, something beautiful emerged. They ignited within me a passion for healing, for finding beauty in the brokenness, and for transformation. These struggles deepened my understanding of the human spirit’s resilience and its incredible capacity to rise, again and again, from the ashes of adversity a testament to the infinite light of the human soul.

  • At 20, I left my home country and embarked on a deeply transformative journey, traveling to India over 20 times throughout the following decade. I immersed myself in Ashrams and spiritual centers, absorbing the wisdom of great teachers, with Osho being a major influence at the time, alongside many ancient and contemporary yogis. It was in Pune, India, at the age of 24, that I received an unforgettable Kabbalistic transmission from an American rabbi, also a sannyasin of Osho, an experience that has stayed with me ever since.

    While still being a wild post-teen, a rebel, and an explorer. I enjoyed the endless beaches of the East, Rave parties, and hippie communities. While these experiences were partly an escape, they also helped me shape new pathways toward a new life and yet unbeknown to me, an incredible future.

    Kabbalah fluttered in and out of my spiritual journey like a butterfly. I wasn’t fully ready to embrace it at the time, as I was more deeply immersed in my yogic practices, healing modalities, and artistic pursuits. I was still running away from anything familiar or part of my upbringing.

    After living in Europe for a few years in my early to mid-20s, I relocated to Australia, where I deepened my healing journey through modalities such as Shiatsu, Chinese medicine, and Watsu. Throughout this time, I facilitated yoga courses and wellness retreats, creating transformative spaces for healing and growth.

    While running a home clinic in my early 30s and facilitating workshops, I also had the honour of raising two wonderful beings, my son and daughter, while pursuing various fulfilling artistic expressions. Together with my life companion, Scott, we have toured Australia and beyond, sharing the transformative power of sacred songs and mantra music.

  • Today, I work as a Counselor and Spiritual Mentor, teaching the many wisdoms that have woven themselves into my heart over the years.

    I am most inspired by the discovery of human potential in others and dedicate myself to helping individuals optimize their life experiences.

    Through teaching workshops and offering individual sessions, I integrate psychological and therapeutic modalities, along with spiritual practices like Kabbalistic and Yogic principles when appropriate, to guide individuals toward self-realization and meaningful personal growth.