Painting By: Alegria Sa Luna Australia

Kabbalah for Yogis

What Is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah, derived from the Hebrew word meaning "to receive," is a profound teaching on how to receive the light of the Creator. This light isn't the physical light we recognize in the material world but rather the spiritual light of wisdom, love, abundance, and goodness that emanates from the Creator. Kabbalah guides us in connecting with this divine light, enriching our lives with deeper understanding and fulfillment.
Kabbalah is an ancient mystical tradition that explores the nature of the universe, the divine, and the human soul. Developed by Jewish Mystics, It offers a complex system of teachings that seek to understand the relationship between God, the cosmos, and humanity. Kabbalah provides a spiritual framework for personal growth and enlightenment, often focusing on concepts like the Tree of Life, the ten Sefirot (divine attributes), and the idea of Ein Sof (the infinite aspect of Source).
Practitioners believe that by studying and applying these teachings, one can gain insight into the deeper mysteries of existence, achieve spiritual awakening, and connect more profoundly with the Light.

What is Yoga?
Ask anyone what Yoga is, and you might see an eyebrow raise—it’s everywhere today and practiced by over 300 million people worldwide. But Yoga’s roots go far deeper than its current popularity. Originating in ancient India over 5,000 years ago, Yoga is a holistic practice that integrates body, mind, and spirit. Passed down through generations, it is a path rooted in the Vedic tradition, where the physical postures (asanas), breathwork (pranayama), and meditation ( Dhyan) are designed to purify the body and open the heart to self-realization. Yoga is not just exercise; it’s a profound system for achieving inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening, helping us reconnect to the deeper truths of life. Through the wisdom of ancient sages, Yoga continues to offer a timeless journey toward harmony, balance, and true well-being.

The Synergy
Like Kabbalah, an ancient mystical tradition from Judaism, Yoga is often seen as tied to the Hindu religion, but in essence, both are pathways to universal wisdom. They offer a deep coding to the spiritual world, guiding practitioners beyond dogma into a state of alignment with the divine. Both systems teach that ‘In Light Attainment’ (enlightenment), or connection with the true self, is the ultimate goal, offering tools to transcend the everyday and experience the pure essence of consciousness. Together, Yoga and Kabbalah remind us that all spiritual traditions ultimately point to the same timeless truths.

Union of light

The harmonious path of Kabbalah and Yoga

Unity of Soul and Universe
Both traditions teach how to purify the vessel to receive the light of the Creator, with Yoga focusing practices towards enlightenment and Kabbalah practices to act like the light to recive the light.

Tikkun and Samskaras
Tikkun addresses the soul’s correction, while Yoga dissolves samskaras, both leading to spiritual purification and higher awerness.

Purification through Action
Selfless action in Yoga and non-reactivity in Kabbalah both lead to purification, freeing the soul from karmic cycles and attracting divine light.

Selflessness vs. Reactivity
Selfless action in Yoga and non-reactivity in Kabbalah prevent karma, allowing the soul to purify and transcend ego-driven patterns (Klipot). The two practices complement one another creating a powerful synergy.

Mindfulness in Life's Challenges
Yoga’s stillness and Kabbalah’s engagement with life’s challenges encourage inner peace through conscious response rather than avoidance.

Meditation and Observation
Kabbalah uses Hitbonenut (reflection) for deep contemplation of the divine and Hitbodedut (seclusion) for self-reflection, guiding the individual toward greater awareness and spiritual connection.

No-Mind State through Engagement
The no-mind state is more easily achieved by First engaging with apparent reality through Tikkun, rather than avoiding life’s challenges. No mind is a by-product of clear conscience.

Escapism vs. Engagement
Yoga can lead to disengagement, while Kabbalah encourages engaging with life’s challenges, transforming them into opportunities for spiritual growth.

Ethical Living and Spiritual Growth
Kabbalah’s Divine attributes of the human mirror Yoga’s Yamas and Niyamas, both teaching ethics as the foundation for spiritual elevation.

“As the image of God, man has the greatest possibility of realizing the Immanence present in the Universe.

The World provides the conditions for man’s work towards perfection, and in return, man aids the World towards its completion, so that which has been separated reunites.”

From Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi’s


Why Is Kabbalah Important today?

Kabbalah is particularly important today because it provides a framework for understanding the deeper spiritual dynamics that influence our lives. In a world often driven by materialism, conflict, and disconnection, Kabbalah offers timeless wisdom on how to align with the source of all creation, fostering inner peace, purpose, and fulfillment. Today more than ever we are called to fulfill the ultimate purpose of our existence- self-realisation. Self means not the individual ego-self but the original Self the original Presence of the divine imprinted and which all Radinent Goodness comes from.

As modern society grapples with existential questions and the search for meaning, Kabbalah helps individuals connect with their true essence, recognize the interconnectedness of all beings, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth. By applying its principles, we can navigate the complexities of today's world with greater awareness and compassion, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and enlightened global community.

Why Yogies and Spiritual Practioners?

Yogis and other spiritual practitioners are uniquely positioned to embrace the teachings of Kabbalah, as they already grasp the true purpose of a Yogic practice which is - self-realization, or what is known as the state of Enlightenment. Authentic Yogis recognize that our highest potential lies in realizing our emanation from the divine source, meaning we are imbued with the same attributes as the Creator. Our journey on Earth is to uncover and express this true nature.

Kabbalah offers profound insights that complement the spiritual path of a Yogi. For example, the law of action in Yoga teaches us to serve others rather than seeking constant personal gratification. In Kabbalah, it is called: “Influencing” as opposed to “stealing the light.” Both Yoga and Kabbalah emphasize that the world is a reflection of our consciousness and that we each perceive reality according to our Tikkun (Hebrew for "Correction"). Through awareness and inner work, we can transform our reality and receive the light of the Creator. Yoga in the West is very much focused on physical aspects but Kabbalah complements the inner work step by step.

In Kabbalah, the Creator desires only to bestow endless blessings upon us, the soul insists on earning this light to experience its worthiness, which leads us through unique earthly challenges. By approaching these challenges with awareness and applying simple practices, we expand our capacity—our mind, body, and soul—to receive the infinite light of the Creator.

What to expect in a session or a workshop?

In a workshop, you can expect an immersive experience where we explore the profound teachings of Kabbalah with a focus on personal transformation. Whether you're new to Kabbalah or have some background, these sessions are designed to help you unlock your true potential. We'll delve into practical tools and techniques to elevate your consciousness and live a more meaningful life. The environment is supportive and nurturing, encouraging deep self-exploration and spiritual growth. You don't need to be a Yogi or have any prior knowledge—just an open heart and a desire to learn. Together, we'll journey toward greater self-awareness, resilience, and a deeper connection to the divine within.

Raji - Teacher Presenter

Bridging Kabbalah and Yoga on a Journey towards Self-Realization

My journey began in Israel, where I was immersed in my Morrocon Indian Jewish ancestries, and rich culture and traditions.

At the age of 21, everything changed when I traveled to India and experienced Samadhi
a non-permanent state of awakening that offered a glimpse into our true human potential. This profound experience led me to explore Yogic studies, Zen philosophy, and other ancient spiritual practices, transforming my understanding of life and spirituality.

For over 20 years, I’ve devoted myself to hands-on healing arts, teaching, and mentoring. Today, I integrate the wisdom of Kabbalah with my experience as a therapist and teacher, guiding others on their path toward self-realization and transformation.