Kabbalah & Yoga

A few days Journey tailored to your time and needs

Facilitation Expertise

With nearly three decades of experience and more than 4,000 hours of teaching classes and courses, as well as facilitating over 200 retreats and workshops, I bring a unique blend of Kabbalistic wisdom and Yogic principles to every program.

My background allows me to create transformative experiences that speak to the deepest aspects of both traditions, seamlessly integrating physical practice with spiritual insight.

Each program is fully customizable to meet the needs and intentions of your retreat.

Together, we’ll craft a workshop that aligns with your group’s spiritual and physical goals, ensuring a balanced approach between the core principles of Kabbalah and Yoga.

This flexible method allows for an experience tailored to the energy of the group and your retreat’s unique flow.

A guiding framework for Few days program

Day 1: Introduction to Yoga and Kabbalah

  • Focus: Introduction to the core principles of Yoga and Kabbalah and exploring the similarities between the two traditions.

  • Activities:

    • Introduction to Yoga philosophy (asanas, pranayama, meditation)

    • Introduction to Kabbalistic philosophy (Tree of Life, Sephirot, spiritual alignment)

    • An interactive session discussing the overlap between these traditions

    • Guided meditations and light chanting to integrate teachings

    • 1-2 yoga practices to support the body-mind connection

Day 2: Kabbalah's Practice of Tikkun (Correction)

  • Focus: Delving into the Kabbalistic principle of Tikkun (soul rectification) and how to work with reactivity through awareness.

  • Activities:

    • Introduction to Tikkun: Moving from reactivity to conscious reflection

    • Interactive exercises: Pausing, reflecting, and examining the “force of the opponent”

    • Tikkun diary: Participants reflect on their patterns and lessons

    • Meditation practice: Reflection-based meditation (focus on integrating, not escaping)

    • Yoga session and/or light dance to move energy, release blockages

Day 3: Law of Action and Purification

  • Focus: Exploring the law of action (Karma) and purification processes in both Yoga and Kabbalah.

  • Activities:

    • Discussion on karma and purification (action and reactivity in both systems)

    • Guided meditations (20-30 mins) exploring the En-Sof and Tzimtzum (the process of divine concealment and creation)

    • Q&A and sharing session on applying karmic and Tikkun principles in daily life

    • Yoga sessions focused on purification and clearing energy

    • Dance or movement exercises to embody these teachings

Day 4: Reflection and External Perception

  • Focus: Reflecting on the Tikkun diary and exploring how external experiences mirror internal psychic states.

  • Activities:

    • Morning meditation & reflection

    • Sharing insights from Tikkun diaries with the group

    • Conversations with friends and family on what they perceive as the participant’s Tikkun

    • Discussion on how the external world is a reflection of internal psychic states (Kabbalistic and Yogic teachings)

    • Prayer of certainty and trust in divine guidance (reflecting on internal change)

Day 5: Integration and Embodiment

  • Focus: Integrating the teachings and experiences of the previous four days into daily life.

  • Activities:

    • Morning meditation & reflection, revisiting key insights from the retreat

    • Sharing circle for participants to discuss personal growth

    • Yoga and movement practice, embodying lessons through postures aligned with Sephirot or chakras

    • Closing ritual with chanting, prayer, or dance to symbolize alignment of mind, body, and spirit

    • Final reflection & group discussion on how to bring these teachings into everyday life

Whether you need full-day immersive workshops or shorter sessions integrated into an existing retreat, I can adapt the format to meet the needs of your group. From large gatherings to intimate settings, I bring a depth of experience in managing logistics, creating session materials, and adapting practices to fit your retreat environment.

Let’s create something transformative together.

Reach out to discuss how we can craft a customized Kabbalah and Yoga program that enhances the spiritual depth of your retreat.